Vinnie is a family friend that has been talking about Star Wars with the Mulinaro family for the last decade. He has been a fan of Star Wars since the Rogue Squadron release in 1998.
Favorite Star Wars movies: Rogue One, Revenge of the Sith and Empire Strikes Back
Favorite Characters: Kylo Ren, Darth Vader, Yoda
Least favorite character: Snoke
Star Wars Hobby: Battlefront and Squadrons
Books: never read any
Favorite Small screen: Rebels
Fun Fact: Vinnie loves all things related to the Empire. He feels that the Empire was well-structured and was providing jobs and stability to millions of citizens across the galaxy. He feels that the Rebels were just a bunch of terrorists. He also feels that the First Order is just the JV version of the Empire, more worried about anger and power instead of the structure and plans.