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RTG Bio: Alfie Mulinaro

Alfie is one of the most knowledgeable Star Wars fans I know. We grew up together and have discussed Star Wars since the late 70s and early 80s.

How long have you been a Star Wars fan? As long as I can remember

Favorite Movies: Revenge of the Sith, Rogue One, The Force Awakens

Favorite Characters: Episode 3 Anakin, Boba Fett, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo

Least Favorite Characters: Rose, DJ and Jar Jar

Star Wars Hobby: Funko Pops, Learning to play Star Wars music on the piano, finding all things Baby Yoda for his daughters and Star Wars Video Games and models with his son.

Favorite Books: Revenge of the Sith novelization, Rise of Darth Vader, original Thrawn trilogy, and even though it is comics, Dark Empire

Favorite small screen: Clone Wars, Mandalorian

Fun Fact: Alfie met Anthony Daniels in a parking garage and Peter Mayhew sitting in a swap meet during the Celebration in Indianapolis. When he retires he wants to visit as many Star Wars set locations as possible.

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